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void ChttpDlg::AppendString( const CString str )


int nOldLines = 0, nNewLines = 0, nScroll = 0;

long nInsertionPoint = 0;


// Save number of lines before insertion of new text

nOldLines = m_CRichEdit.GetLineCount();

// Initialize character format structure

cf.cbSize = sizeof(CHARFORMAT);

cf.dwMask = CFM_COLOR;

cf.dwEffects = 0; // To disable CFE_AUTOCOLOR

cf.crTextColor = RGB( 0, 0, 0 );

// Set insertion point to end of text

nInsertionPoint = m_CRichEdit.GetWindowTextLength();

m_CRichEdit.SetSel(nInsertionPoint, -1);

// Set the character format


// Replace selection. Because we have nothing 

// selected, this will simply insert

// the string at the current caret position.


// Get new line count

nNewLines = m_CRichEdit.GetLineCount();

// Scroll by the number of lines just inserted

nScroll = nNewLines - nOldLines;



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